
All posts tagged birthday

Birthday 2014

Published December 26, 2014 by Zamora

Today is my birthday 🙂 this year has had a lot of changes from being named one of the top models of Trinidad and Tobago 2014, growing as a makeup artist and expanding my range as a lighting and scenic designer. God has seen me through it all. The friends and family loss and my God give me strength to continue and help my loved ones be strong. Tears still come to me at times but I know God’s plan is bigger. I want to thank everyone I met , people who challenged me and most importantly my family and friends. This is a new year, new beginnings and new growth.


Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

So my boyfriend did the most wonderful thing. He organized a surprise party for me with my close friends and brothers.. He is so sweet. Thank you hunni 🙂
image My brother and I(my boyfriend took the picture)